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常紫辰是一位来自中国北京的获奖电影人、电影节策展人和摄影师。他在美国雪城大学的视觉与表演艺术学院获得了电影专业的学士学位。作为一名独立电影人,他会将更多的创作重心放在编导与摄影指导的工作上。他的作品曾在众多国际电影节上参与展映以及获奖。作品覆盖了包括叙事电影、诗歌电影、实验电影以及纪录片等多种形式。此外,他也是一名电影节策展人。与此同时,他还担任学生世界影响力电影节 (SWIFF) 的高级陪审团评委。学生世界影响力电影节 (SWIFF) 总部位于美国,是全球最大的学生电影节。作为一名摄影师,常紫辰的摄影作品曾被一些杂志收录以及发表。


Zichen Chang is an award-winning filmmaker, film festival curator, and photographer from Beijing, China. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Film from the College of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University in the United States. As an independent filmmaker, he devotes more time and effort to the fields of screenwriting, directing, and cinematography. His works have been screened and awarded at many international film festivals, encompassing various forms such as narrative film, poetry film, experimental film, documentary, and more. Additionally, he is also a film festival curator. At the same time, he serves as a Senior Festival Jury for the Student World Impact Film Festival (SWIFF). SWIFF, based in the United States, is the largest student film festival in the world. In addition, Zichen Chang's photography works have been included and published in several magazines.

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